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Self Esteem School, Issue #001 -- This Months Self Esteem Tip
September 19, 2011

Contributing Raises Self Esteem

, One of the best ways to develop confidence and self esteem is to use your gifts, passion, skills and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others.

Use what you know and what you are good at to help bring solution to challenges that people are facing.

As you begin to help people and touch the lives of others, you will be amazed at the impact it will have on your self esteem.

It makes you feel good when you have done something to help someone, it makes you feel good when you know that you carry something within you that can touch and transform lives. It is a great source of confidence.

Like the bible says "it is more blessed to give than to receive"

One of the ways I give and help others is through my websites, I help people to build their self esteem and improve themselves through the information I provide on my site. In return I gain personal fulfilment, my confidence and self esteem is built and I also make money from it. I've been able to achieve all this by using SBI.

You too can create an information website that helps transform the lives of others by sharing your knowledge, skills, passion, expertise, or even life experience and you don't need any technical web building skills to do it either. You will also be able to make money from the website you create, maybe even enough to say good bye to your 9-5. Find out how SBI can help you do this.

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