The Strong Intelligences Discovery Self Esteem Assessment

The aim of this self esteem assessment is to help you build your self esteem by discovering your areas of strong intelligences. Often people develop low self esteem and feel inadequate because they feel like they aren't good at anything.

Knowing what your strengths and strong intelligences are can help you build your self esteem and develop confidence. Once you discover those strengths and begin to work on them, you will see how your life will be transformed.

One of the keys to happiness and fulfilment in life is finding what you are good at and developing it so that you can make an impact in the world with it.

For example, doing this self esteem assessment made me realise that I am a verbal/Linguistic person, those are my strong intelligences. As a result I applied that skill into becoming a speaker and I started doing talks and seminars on personal development and self esteem using those strengths.

As a result I am very fulfilled in what I do and I make an income using my strong intelligences. My self esteem also improved because I am making a difference in people's lives through my work but it all started with me discovering my areas of strength.

This self esteem assessment will hopefully help you to achieve the same results.

How to do the Strong Intelligences Discovery Self Esteem Assessment

Put a circle around the numbers of the descriptions that you can personally relate to. (Print out this webpage to do the assessment, simply click the print button on your browser)

1. I remember quotes and phrases and can use them in conversations

2. I sense quickly when someone I'm with is troubled or bothered about something

3. I am fascinated by science, computers, gadgets or how things work

4. Ecology issues are important to me

5. I can usually find my way around a new area or neighbourhood very quickly

6. I am good at using my hands and rarely feel awkward in my movements

7. I enjoy discussing the meaning of life and other big questions

8. Animals are important in my life

9. I like to sing

10. I like playing chess, monopoly, Sudoku, or doing brainteasers

11. I enjoy word games like scrabble, word puzzles and crosswords

12. I am good at working out how something works or how to fix something that's broken

13. I can imagine how other people play the roles they do in their work, or families, or I can put myself in their shoes

14. I find learning new things easier when I see their real world application

15. When I read a book or magazine, I enjoy looking at the pictures, even if I don't read all the words

16. I enjoy listening to CD's radio, MP3's IPODs etc

17. I am keen to improve my skills and recognize where improvements are needed

18. I like to draw or paint

19. I like to dance, play sports, or do exercise

20. I organise things in my bedroom so I know where everything goes

21. I enjoy working alone or independently sometimes

22. I feel that I have a good understanding of the world, its cultures and people

23. I enjoy telling stories or jokes

24. I can play a musical instrument

25. I get along with people or enjoy working with others in groups or teams

26. I like to be outdoors as much as possible

27. I feel I have a keen sense of what I can do and what I don't want to do

Analysing Your Completed Strong Intelligences Discovery Self Esteem Assessment

Now look at the following triplets of numbers. If you possess any two of any triplet (e.g. if you have two out of three numbers in a triplet 1, 8, 17 circled) then single underline that intelligence. If you have circled all three of any of the number triplets, double underline that intelligence. You are probably very strong in that area, even if you haven't yet developed it.

Descriptions 1, 11, & 23: Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

Descriptions 3, 10 & 20 : Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

Descriptions 5, 15, & 18: Visual/Spatial Intelligence

Descriptions 9, 16, & 24 : Musical Intelligence

Descriptions 6, 12, & 19 : Bodily/Kinaesthetic Intelligence

Descriptions 2, 13, & 25 : Interpersonal Intelligence (Knowing and getting along with others)

Descriptions 17, 21, & 27 : Intrapersonal Intelligence (Knowing yourself)

Descriptions 7, 14, & 22 : "Big Picture" Intelligence

Whatever your main area of Intelligence might be, you can find ways to use them and derive your self esteem and confidence from them. You can use your strengths in the way you learn or you can even use it to help you determine a career path that would make life more fulfilling for you.

Understanding the Strong Intelligences Highlighted in the Self Esteem Assessment

1. Linguistic - Skill with words, as used by journalists, teachers, lawyers and language experts.

2. Logical/Mathematical - Skill in analysis, numbers and logic (as used in the field of science), administrators, computer programmers, engineers and accountants

3. Visual/Spatial - the ability to visualise and create images in your mind's eye. A skill that is used by architects, artists, photographers, designers, florists, chefs, beauticians, and trades people

4. Musical - the ability to create and appreciate sound or music. A skill used by musicians, DJ's, speech therapists and singers.

5. Bodily/Kinaesthetic - the ability to control body movements and use hands skilfully, as shown by athletes, surgeons, plumbers, mechanics, engineers, and joiners. People who are "good with their hands" often don't appreciate that they are demonstrating a higher order of intelligence.

6. Interpersonal - the ability to communicate well and see things from other people's point of view. This is a skill used by sales people, trainers, parents, counsellors, social workers, nurses, carers, customer service staff, and many other professions.

7. Intrapersonal - the ability to create your own goals and plan your future, to be reflective and analyse your own behaviour as a guide for taking action in the future. The ability to recognise your own strengths and weaknesses

8. Environmental - the ability to appreciate the natural world. This strength can be applied in most occupations even if they are not dedicated to environmental issues.

9. "Big Picture" - the ability to have an overview and see how things fit together. To appreciate the work we do, it is important to appreciate how our role fits into the "Big Picture". A skill important for running your own business.

Action Point: What did you learn about yourself from doing the Strengths Discovery Self Esteem Assessment and how will you use this discovery to improve yourself and your self esteem?

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