Find Out How Healthy Yourself Self Image Is With This Self Esteem Quiz

This self esteem quiz is to help you measure your level of self esteem so that you can pin point the areas where your self esteem is good and positive as well as discover areas where your self esteem might be poor and negative.

Once you have taken the quiz and discovered areas where your self esteem needs to be built up and improved, you can use the resources on this website i.e. the self esteem exercises and self esteem activities to help you boost your self esteem in those areas that are lacking.

Use this self esteem quiz as a tool to help you reflect upon how you truly feel about yourself, the great thing about doing this quiz is that it puts you in the know. You can't change what you don't even know needs fixing. This quiz will alert you to the areas that need fixing so that you can make the changes and begin to feel more positive about yourself, your life and your abilities.

How to do This Self Esteem Quiz

1. Read the question and circle the answer that most reflects you (Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree)

2. It is recommended that you print out this web page to do the quiz, you can do that by clicking on the print icon in your web browser.

Self Esteem Quiz Questions

1. The way I feel about myself is greatly influenced by what other people think of me.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

2. I don't handle criticism very well, being criticised makes me feel like I am useless

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

3. I am comfortable with asking and accepting help from other people

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

4. I accept the compliments that people give me very well

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

5. I don't like looking in the mirror because I don't like the way my body looks.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

6. I create time for things that help me improve my health and overall well-being.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

7. Sharing how I feel in my close relationships make me feel uncomfortable.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

8. I find it difficult to admit when I don't understand something

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

9. I find it difficult to correct people, so I tend not to say anything when they misunderstand me.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

10. I have confidence in myself and believe that I am a person of worth.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

11. I have no problem expressing and communicating my thoughts and feelings about issues.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

12. I am envious of people who have what I dont.

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

13. I feel I would have a better life if I had a nicer body and was prettier (or more handsome)

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

14. I am never quite satisfied with the results I get, no matter what I do

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

15. Deep down, I don't think I can ever truly be happy

Agree--Agree Slightly--Disagree

Review Your Answers to the Self Esteem Quiz

Explaining questions 1-5 of the self esteem quiz

1. The way I feel about myself is greatly influenced by what other people think of me.

Your self esteem should never solely be based on how people feel about you. It means that if people never validate you, you will never be happy. Your self esteem should come from within you, knowing you are a person of worth even if people never give you a compliment.

2. I don't handle criticism very well, being criticised makes me feel like I am useless.

You should never take criticism to heart, see it as feedback and use it to improve but don't take criticism as a measure of your worth. At the end of the day, the criticism is just one persons opinion and who is to say that their opinion of you is right anyhow?

3. I am comfortable with asking and accepting help from other people.

Contrary to popular belief, being secure enough to ask for help is a sign of a healthy self esteem, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, in fact the reason people don't ask for help a lot of times is because they are afraid that it makes them look weak and vulnerable which indicated insecurity and low self esteem. Be secure in yourself and know that, just because you don't know it all and can't do it all by yourself, doesn't make you any less of a person.

4. I accept the compliments that people give me very well.

If every time someone compliments you, you always try to play down the compliment, then that might be a sign of low self esteem. For example someone tells you "that's a nice dress" or "that's a nice shirt" and you reply "oh it's only a cheap dress", down playing a compliment isn't necessarily a sign of humility, it could be a sign of low self esteem and insecurity. Learn to accept compliments and let the compliment make you feel good. Make no apologies for it, if someone compliments you, just say "thank you" and smile :o)

5. I don't like looking in the mirror because I don't like the way my body looks.

If you look in the mirror and the first thing you notice is what you don't like about yourself then this reflects the state of your self esteem. A lot of times we beat ourselves up for not matching up to the "ideal" looks that the media portrays at us. You are beautiful, and if you want to have a positive self esteem, you need to start acknowledging and affirming your beauty and loving what you see in the mirror. A word of advice, the media world is often shallow and fake so don't measure your worth by what they are projecting at you.

Explaining questions 6-10 of the self esteem quiz

6. I create time for things that help me improve my health and overall well-being.

One of the things that improves a person's self esteem is exercise, regular exercise will not only make you look great, it will also help you feel great, healthy and energised. Always create time for your health and well-being, it will help you to look good and feel good.

7. Sharing how I feel in my close relationships make me feel uncomfortable.

If you are afraid to express how you feel in a relationship because of fear of being misunderstood or how the other person will react then this might be evidence of a poor self esteem because you want others to always approve of you or because you are trying to "keep the peace" but in the process you might be allowing people to walk all over you. The ability to say how you feel regardless of how the other person might react is evidence of a healthy self esteem. It isn't necessarily to be mean, or because you are insensitive, it is healthy for you to be able to say what's on your mind without fear of being rejected or judged. It won't always be easy or comfortable to share your feelings, but bottling it up will do more harm.

8. I find it difficult to admit when I don't understand something.

If you are afraid to admit that you don't understand something and pretend to be in the know when you are really not, that is evidence of low self esteem. We sometimes do this because we don't want to come across as stupid, which again is an indication of insecurity. Pretending to understand when you don't will in the long run cause more harm than good. There is nothing wrong in admitting you don't get it, or admitting you don't know it, it doesn't make you any less intelligent. It takes a confident person to admit that they don't know it all and be okay with not knowing it all. If you pretend to know and understand when you don't, you will have to continue to keep up the pretence and that will make you feel even worse.

9. I find it difficult to correct people, so I tend not to say anything when they misunderstand me.

A positive self esteem will give you the confidence to not allow people to take advantage of you. When we are afraid of offending people, we tend not to say anything when they do something that we are unhappy about. It can be as simple as being serve cold food at a restaurant when the food should be hot, but you don't say anything because you don't want to comes across as being difficult. When we are able to stand up for what we want without fear, that is a sign of a healthy and positive self esteem.

10. I have confidence in myself and believe that I am a person of worth

Having confidence and self belief is evidence of a positive and healthy self esteem. If on the other hand you aren't so confident and lack self belief then the chances are you have been entertaining thoughts that encourage you to doubt yourself. Let your thoughts toward yourself be more positive and you will feel more positive.

Explaining questions 11-15 of the self esteem quiz

11. I have no problem expressing and communicating my thoughts and feelings about issues.

When you are confident and secure enough to express your thoughts and feelings, this indicates that you have a good self esteem. Often when we lack self esteem, we are reluctant to share our views and opinion because of fear that our contribution will be rejected. Free yourself from the need to always be accepted by people, sometimes they will like your contribution and other times they won't, but you need to be secure in yourself and your opinions regardless of what other people think about it.

12. I am envious of people who have what I don't.

Envying others can be an indication that you lack self esteem because you see others as better than you. When we are envious of what other people have and have done, we are indirectly telling ourselves "I'm not good enough" while it is okay to admire others, it shouldn't make you feel any less of a person. Use their achievement as motivation and inspiration to rise not as an excuse to beat yourself up.

13. I feel I would have a better life if I had a nicer body and was prettier (or more handsome)

You have to learn to love and accept yourself just the way you are, while it is important to look good, it is not healthy to base how you feel about yourself solely on the way you look. Chances are even if you lost the weight or got plastic surgery you still won't be completely happy because true happiness comes from within. If you feel your life will only be better when you have a nicer body, what you are saying is that you are unattractive now and that your life isn't good. Those kind of thoughts will sink you deeper into low self esteem.

14. I am never quite satisfied with the results I get, no matter what I do.

If you are always criticising yourself and never satisfied with what you've done, that is a form of self abuse. With that kind of mindset, you will never be able to give your best because subconsciously you have already told yourself that "nothing I ever do is good enough" and that will filter through into what you produce. Again it's about changing those negative thoughts and start taking pride in your work and believe that you are capable of producing great results.

15. Deep down, I don't think I can ever truly be happy.

You need to be really careful about entertaining this kind of thought, our thoughts determine how our life turns out, I like that quote from the bible that says "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he" we are what we think, and if you think you will never truly be happy, that could end up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. This kind of negative thought pattern is an indication of severe low self esteem. You can use the wealth of resources on this website to help you change your thoughts and begin to develop your self esteem and confidence. I highly recommend downloading and going through the material and exercises in the self esteem workbook.

If as a result of taking this self esteem quiz you would like to improve your self esteem. Dr Joe Rubino's, self esteem program is one of the best for building self esteem. Click here to take a look at Dr Joe Rubino's Ultimate Self Esteem Formula Program.

Go to the self esteem exercises and self esteem activities to boost your self esteem based on the things you have discovered about yourself from this self esteem quiz

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